Monday, July 16, 2018


Ako ne platiš na mostu platišeš na ćupriji.

   Bofl robu nam omogućavaju banke i neopisivo povoljni krediti! Nema bre ništa za džabe! Ako imaš gotovu lovu, kupi, ako nemaš, probaj da pozajmiš od nekoga ko nije rođeni zelenaš ili sačekaj da skupiš pa sačekaj neku rasprodaju. Mislim, jesu i rasprodaje teška navlakuša al ne baš uvek za razliku od kredita. Ajd krediti nekada u vreme socijalizma, ajd krediti na početku ove vlasti al sad si u bazi i nema kredita ako imaš lošu kreditnu istoriju. Pa te onda navlače na refinansiranje! Kredit na kredit na kredit... Stoka i dalje ne kapira da je ucenjeno govedo i rob! Kao fora, imaš sve, al sve kupljeno na kredit pa probaj da se pobuniš na poslu. Ako nemaš posao, nemaš ni način da vratiš kredit(e).
 Banka i kredit

If you have a gun, you can rob a bank, but if you have a bank, you can rob everyone.Bill Maher

Christopher Titus

   Christopher Titus je stand-up komičar. (sajt - podkast) Izvrstan. Zapazio sam ga na Comedy Central i oduševio se. Našao sam ga na torentima i poskidao sam sve. Surovo realan.


Tek za primer:
   Let's define "terrorist organization." A terrorist organization is an organization that keep you scared all the time and makes you change your behavior. What does CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC do all the time?
   People wonder why our kids are getting fat? Maybe it's 'cause we're sitting on our asses on the couch at home watching other people play cards on television? We can't even play cards ourselves. 'Yeah, I'd cut the deck, but I don't want to reach my target heart rate.'
   Thomas Jefferson said "Every generation needs a new revolution". Now our grandparents had World War II, fought the Nazis. Our parents had the Civil Rights Revolution. Our generation has… Shamwow and Prozac. That's it, man. We just went through the worst decade since disco and how did we deal with it? We bitched on the Internet, got medical marijuana cards, and played Grand Theft Auto.
   Oh, God, please end this decade, this horribly decade, this horribly Paris Hilton-Lindsay Lohan-Kim Kardashian, talentless slut decade! Please, ended.
   If your friend comes to you and she's crying that her boyfriend hit her and she comes back next week engaged and living with the same man, she isn't just a retard but a rihannatard.
   Osama Bin Laden is dead? Oh my God, that was so easy! And it only took two trillion dollars, two wars and too many good men.
   I think we need a new plan. Next time a country wants to take us on, 'stead of sending bombs, let's try this: send everyone in the country a color television and a satellite dish. And give 'em the basic package, not HBO — screw those people. And before the war starts, we make them all sit down and watch ESPN2 for 24 hours. 'Cause you watch ESPN2 for 24 hours, you're understand America a lot better. 'Hi, we're America! We build monster trucks for fun! We developed the top fuel dragster, zero to three hundred thirty miles an hour in under five seconds, cause, well, we were bored. Piss us off, and see what we build! And we may feel bad about it later! Ask Japan. But before we feel bad… we're gonna jack you up! And then we're gonna send you food! 'Cause we're America; we're schizophrenic. Don't mess with a nation that needs medication!'"

   Ima još dosta vrednih za pomenuti al meni se svideli:
Carlos Mencia
Politika, socijalna i rasna pitanja...
Maria Bamford
Porodica, anksioznost, depresija...
John Oliver
Tuče po britancima a ima svega i svačega.
George Carlin
Snimao je za HBO svoje nastupe, glumio je, imao je TV serijal... Politika, religija, ljudska glupost...